Tips To Help You Stop Smoking

Tips To Help You Stop Smoking

Get rid of ashtrays, lighters, and all cigarettes.
Be prepared for some withdrawal symptoms. When you stop smoking, you are likely to get symptoms which may include: nausea (feeling sick), headaches, anxiety, irritability, craving, and just feeling awful. These symptoms are caused by the lack of nicotine that your body has been used to. They tend to peak after 12-24 hours, and then gradually ease over 2-4 weeks.
Anticipate a cough. It is normal for a smoker's cough to get worse when you stop smoking
Be aware of situations in which you are most likely to want to smoke.
Take one day at a time. Mark off each successful day on a calendar.
Be positive. You can tell people that you don't smoke. You will smell better. After a few weeks you should feel better, taste your food more, and cough less.
Don't despair if you fail


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